Goldbach's Conjecture - Visualized
Goldbach's Conjecture "The longest-standing math problem is Goldbach's Conjecture, posed by the Russian mathematician in 1742, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. The theorem states that every even positive integer greater than three is the sum of two prime numbers." -- Zoe Mintz - IBTimes I was interested to get a feel for this conjecture, where an even number was the sum of two prime numbers. I took a list of the prime numbers up to 32767, and knew I'd have enough prime numbers to cover to 32768. First, I looked to see if these numbers matched the condition. Using Java, a quickly found that these first few even numbers (the first 16000) matched at least one pair of prime numbers. Next I wanted to see how constrained these values were. Instead of checking whether two primes existed that added up to N, I checked how many unique pairs of primes matched. Matching more than one pair was a dramatic understatement. By 3000, each even integer cou...